July 25, 2024
What Type of Surgeon Specializes in Hernia Surgery?
Close-up image of a physician's hands who is wearing purple gloves and performing a check for hernias on a patient's abdomen

Understanding a Hernia and Its Surgical Needs

A hernia occurs when there is a weakness or hole in the fascia, the protective layer in your abdominal wall. This allows underlying fat or internal organs to protrude, creating a noticeable bulge. Hernias commonly appear in the groin, belly button, or at previous surgical sites.


July 16, 2024
10 Tips for Preparing for Your First Mammogram Featuring Dr. Tammaro

young black woman receiving a mammogram from a female physician


Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers affecting women worldwide, with about 240,000 women developing breast cancer each year. Early detection is crucial for successful treatment and improved outcomes. Mammograms are a vital screening tool that can detect breast cancer in its early stages, often before any physical symptoms appear.

“For many women, their first mammogram can be a source of anxiety or uncertainty,” explains Dr. Yolanda Tammaro, a board certified breast surgeon in New Jersey. “However, being well-prepared can help ease these concerns and ensure a smooth, effective screening experience.” 

Dr. Tammaro shares ten tips to help ensure you’re as prepared as possible for your initial visit.


July 10, 2024
The Link Between Breast Cancer and Back Pain: Insights from Dr. Tammaro
This article is republished with permission from SurvivingBreastCancer.org to provide valuable information to our patients and visitors. Understanding connections between breast cancer and seemingly unrelated symptoms like back pain is crucial for early detection and effective intervention for those diagnosed with breast cancer. Dr. Yolanda Tammaro, a board-certified general surgeon with distinguished fellowship training in breast surgery, offers insight into the potential link between breast cancer symptoms and back pain.  Continue reading to learn about the possible links between breast… Read More
May 24, 2024
What Is Hernia Surgery? An In-Depth Guide
Introduction to Hernia and Hernia Surgery A hernia occurs when there is a defect or "hole" in the fascia, the protective layer in your abdominal wall. This allows underlying fat or internal organs to protrude, creating a noticeable bulge. Hernias commonly appear in the groin, belly button, or at previous surgical sites. There are several types of hernias. Some of the most common are inguinal hernias, femoral hernias, umbilical hernias, and incisional hernias.   (more…) Read More
May 10, 2024
Innovative Breast Cancer Surgery: Exploring Minimally Invasive Techniques
The Evolution of Breast Cancer Surgery Breast cancer surgery has undergone a remarkable transformation, driven by a relentless pursuit of better patient outcomes. From the early days of radical mastectomies, surgeons have continually innovated, seeking ways to effectively treat cancer while minimizing physical and emotional trauma. (more…) Read More
April 5, 2024
What Are the 5 Warning Signs of Breast Cancer?
Breast cancer touches the lives of millions of women worldwide, with one in eight women in the United States facing a diagnosis in their lifetime. Early detection of breast cancer is vital, as it significantly improves treatment outcomes, increases survival rates, and often allows for less aggressive treatment options, empowering women to take control of their health and future. (more…) Read More
March 29, 2024
Mastectomy vs. Lumpectomy: Navigating Your Breast Cancer Treatment Options
Breast cancer is a disease where abnormal cells grow in the breast tissue. Finding the right treatment is key because everyone's situation is different. Your treatment plan will depend on the stage of cancer, type you have, and your overall health. This could include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, targeted therapy, or a mix of these. Personalized treatment plans are important because they focus on what is best for you, aiming to fight the cancer while keeping side effects as… Read More
March 7, 2024
Breast Biopsy Guide: Preparation, Procedure, and Understanding Results
Maintaining breast health involves routine care from a trusted provider — including having regular exams that can indicate changes or concerns and, sometimes, diagnostic screening tests, such as a breast biopsy. A breast biopsy is a crucial diagnostic tool that our breast cancer surgeons in NJ use to assess any unusual symptoms or issues patients experience. While hearing you need a breast biopsy may feel alarming, understanding its purpose and what to expect can help ease anxiety. This guide will… Read More
February 27, 2024
Understanding Breast Lumps: Types and Sensations Explained
Breast health is crucial to overall well-being, and understanding breast lumps is paramount in maintaining optimal health and wellness. While discovering a breast lump can cause feelings of concern and uncertainty, lumps can occur for various reasons, and often, they turn out to be benign. Knowing what to look for and what to expect for both benign and malignant lumps can provide assurance and assist your doctor in diagnosing. Let's explore the types and sensations of breast lumps, delve into… Read More
February 6, 2024
Navigating Life After a Breast Cancer Diagnosis
Receiving a breast cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming. With many new medical terms, tests to undergo, and treatment decisions to make with your doctors, it's normal to feel confused about what happens after a breast cancer diagnosis. This blog aims to help provide some guidance on several key aspects of navigating this difficult journey. While a breast cancer diagnosis presents many challenges, arming yourself with information on what to expect in the coming days and months can help you feel… Read More